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A stylish card including your personal message will accompany your gift
Our largest pink rose bouquet. Who new minimalism could be so magnificent? This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range – a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty. About their luxury pink rose bouquet > It's made with love and care, by hand Their local florist will choose each rose for it's beauty, before crafting them into an exquisite bouquet. > It'll stay fresh for at least 7 days Anything less and we'll put it right. > The packaging is eco-friendly Chic + recyclable or biodegradable = joy. > It includes a lovely card Usually the florist will write the message by hand too. > It'll wow from the second it arrives Their florist will take care of all the arranging. No hidden blooms or bent stems here, it'll wow right from the off.
All prices in GBP (£)
Luxury Pink Rose Bouquet
Luxury Pink Rose Bouquet - £137.00
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