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A stylish card including your personal message will accompany your gift
Small but perfectly formed, this trending spring gift box will feature gorgeous blooms in soft shades, inspired by the spring dawn. Expect shades of peach, dusky pink, lemon and cream, plus dried flowers and foliage. • The bouquet will be handcrafted by their local florist, who will use all their care and skill and make sure it arrives ready to wow. • It might not look exactly like the pictures because each bouquet is bespoke, made by hand. • It's guaranteed to look gorgeous for at least 7 days, or we'll put it right. • It could feature buds, but they'll open up quickly. • The packaging is all recyclable or biodegradable. • It comes with a lovely card, the florist will add your message inside (usually by hand). • It could feature lilies. If they're not a fan check out our bouquets without lilies.
All prices in GBP (£)
Extra Large
Standard - £37.00
Large - £42.00
Extra Large - £47.00
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