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A stylish card including your personal message will accompany your gift
A soothing bouquet of white roses and lilies. Elegant and graceful. This bouquet is part of our Beautifully Simple range – a collection of minimalist bouquets that celebrate elegance and understated beauty. Images feature flower bouquets handcrafted by The Flower Boutique in Lisburn and Johnsons the Florists in Burton-on-Trent. About their white rose and lily bouquet > It's handcrafted Their local florist will carefully choose each bloom, checking it for freshness, before adding it to their stunning bouquet. > It'll bring joy for at least 7 days Anything less and we'll put it right. > The packaging is planet-friendly Recyclable, biodegradable and beautiful too. > It includes a cute card Usually the florist will even handwrite your message. > It'll designed to wow right from the off Their bouquet won't be hidden away in a box, it'll be carefully delivered so it wows right from when it arrives. > It features lilies If they're not a fan check out our bouquets without lilies.
All prices in GBP (£)
White Rose and Lily Bouquet
White Rose and Lily Bouquet - £67.00
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